How to Store Your Mixer Beaters

Struggling to come up with the best way to store your stand mixer beaters?We've got some simple, inexpensive DIY ideas for you!
1. In your stand mixer bowl on a towel. This method is simple, straightforward, and protects the finish on glass, metal and ceramic bowls. It's not great if you keep your mixer on display on your countertop, though.
2. Stow them in a soft-sided or cloth-lined basket. We're using this technique now, as we had a bunch of beaters and sizes that we use all the time (as you might guess). Ours is a canvas basket we picked up for under $10 at HomeGoods. You can also use a small but taller plastic bin that costs only a dollar or two. We keep the basket in with our mixers and pressure cooker in our appliance pantry.
3. Store them in a drawstring bag. We've used this method, too! Use nylon or cotton bags designed for other uses (think reusable produce bags). Easy to tuck into your mixer or hang inside a cabinet or pantry. The bag will keep your beaters dust-free and it's easy to stow the others together when you're using one.
4. Hang them inside your cabinets or in your pantry on cup hooks or large self-stick hooks. Check out Pinterest for lots of examples of theses ideas. We find the screwed in hooks work better for some kinds of cabinetry, like our Ikea pantry. Adhesives won't stick well enough to hold the attachments on some surfaces.