Proper installation of your SideSwipe will look like the bowl photos here (tilt-head on left, bowl-lift on right). SideSwipe's fins will be bent gently against the bottom of the bowl and the white frame should not be mashing the fins down. You should be able to gently turn your beater with your hand when the bowl is ready to use.
When to adjust your beater height: If your original beater is scratched on the bottom, was adjusted lower to scrape the bowl or has lots of miles on it, we recommend you check your beater's height and make adjustments. See instructions below.
RAISING YOUR BEATER HEIGHT: This will decrease contact with the bowl.
Use a flat-head screwdriver to turn the inset screw counter-clockwise 1/4 turn at a time until the beater will move freely and the white frame is not pressing against the bottom of the bowl. The bottom fin will still be slightly folded and in contact with the bowl.
TO LOWER: Turn the screw clockwise 1/8 turn at a time if you need to lower the beater a little. Make sure you are able to lock down the head of the mixer if you lower the beater. You will seldom need to do this.

RAISING YOUR BEATER HEIGHT: This will decrease contact with the bowl.
Use a flat-head screwdriver to turn the inset screw counter-clockwise 1/4 turn at a time until the beater will move freely and the white frame is not pressing against the bottom of the bowl. The bottom fin will still be slightly folded and in contact with the bowl.
TO LOWER: Turn the screw clockwise 1/8 turn at a time if you need to lower the beater a little. Make sure you are able to fully raise the bowl into mixing position if you lower the beater. You will seldom need to do this.

Special Use and Care Guidelines
SideSwipe mixes recipes faster and more thoroughly. You may want to reduce mixing time by one-third to one-half of the suggested time for your recipes.
SideSwipe achieves good results at speeds lower than you use with the metal beater. Reduce mixer speeds during and after the point you add flour or other thickening ingredients. SideSwipe will mix well, you’ll reduce the flour “cloud” and batter splatter, and you won’t overmix your recipe. It’s fine to use higher speeds for creaming and to introduce air into light batters.
SideSwipe achieves good results at speeds lower than you use with the metal beater. Reduce mixer speeds during and after the point you add flour or other thickening ingredients. SideSwipe will mix well, you’ll reduce the flour “cloud” and batter splatter, and you won’t overmix your recipe. It’s fine to use higher speeds for creaming and to introduce air into light batters.
Use your original flat beater for recipes using frozen ingredients, chilled/frozen butter, or chilled/frozen peanut butter. You can damage your SideSwipe and your recipe will likely not come out well. Room temperature butter, shortening and peanut butter are best for your recipe and best for SideSwipe. DO NOT KNEAD bread dough with SideSwipe. Use your mixer's dough hook.
You can hand wash your SideSwipe or wash it in your dishwasher on the top rack. Keep the beater away from knives and sharp objects. NOTE: washing in the dishwasher will cause the aluminum core to oxidize and turn grey. You can clean this harmless substance off with a rag a some vinegar.
Some wear and tear can be expected with any silicone product. Inspect your SideSwipe for damage before and immediately after each use. Discontinue use if fins begin to crack or tear.
Make sure the attachment hub cover with the KitchenAid logo is secure before you mix. This little metal cover at the front of your mixer can loosen over time and fall into your bowl. This can cause damage to SideSwipe if cover becomes lodged between the blade and the bowl.
This is especially important for for tilt-head mixers. With heavy use, your mixer’s head can drop lower in the bowl and cause bouncing. Readjust mixer if needed using the installation and adjustment instructions at the top of this page.
Do not stick your fingers, hand, spatula, wooden spoon or other utensil into the bowl while the mixer is operating. Damage to you, your mixer blade, or your mixer can occur. Yes, people do this.