
After 16 years, we have closed our mixer blade business. We are forever grateful for your support and encouragement through the years. Our journey was by turns exciting and frustrating, but we learned a lot and connected with so many nice...
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This is it, friends! We've reached the final couple of weeks before we close the shop and the business. We are so thankful that you shared a part of our journey. For those of you who weren't able to get the SideSwipe...
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After 16 years, we are closing our mixer blade business and retiring. We are so grateful for your support and encouragement through the years. Our journey was by turns exciting and frustrating, but we learned a lot and connected with...
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Hello friends! We are shutting down until June 5 for some much needed rest. We will be back to work on June 5. You won't be able to place an order for our remaining stock of KTH-2 red, KLN-1 and -1R and...
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SideSwipe has been rediscovered in its 15th year, and we've had an unexpected rush for beaters. We're either out of stock or running very low on all models, so if you were thinking of getting SideSwipe for your Valentine -...
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